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This groundbreaking and immediately impactful training will have you more productive by working better hours, not MORE hours. The modules in this digital/on-demand training have been designed to help align your brain chemistry, body chemistry and general human design with your work & life load management. This, combined with using Outlook or Gmail communication and working platforms as they were designed to be used will instigate a shift in meaningful output. The increased energy, bandwidth and ability to get done what you want to get done will amaze you! Sign up now and begin working as your best self today!

In this program, you will learn how to:

  • Enter flow state in deliberate and controlled bursts, increasing your cognitive speed and accuracy by 5 times or more!

  • Activate the ultimate metaskill of distraction management, gaining back a minimum of 1 day per week every week!

  • Integrate natural biorhythms into your working day with rest cycles, enabling energetic bursts throughout the day. (Yes, afternoons too!)

  • Exercise the craft of a mature ‘No’ and border protection to trade up the ‘good’ for the ‘best’ in your work and life!

  • Optimize Outlook or Gmail settings and functionalities to be an outsourced part of your brain and a personal executive secretary for you!

  • Get your email to zero without leaving anyone hanging.

This brain-based effectiveness training reveals the opportunities of being more productive and provides specific, actionable instruction and tools to help you and/or your team members accomplish important tasks, targets and missions far quicker and more efficiently than you could have ever dreamt. Inside you will be shown specific neural pattern interrupt settings to instigate a new relationship with the incoming requests from your customers, employees, managers and the world.  Other people's false emergencies will no longer hijack your highest priorities (your dreams and goals).   You will learn to reject common stereotypes assigned to how we interact with our email inboxes, replacing them with a deep understanding of how to use it as a tool of effectiveness instead of a never ending firehose of noise and demands.

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