Permission to Exit Your Inbox - Granted

By Tana M. Mann Easton, Lead Efficiency Engineer

If you’re like most professionals, your email inbox is a siren that pulls you toward it nearly constantly all day every day.  But what if I told you that many highly successful people do not incessantly check their emails?  What if a big secret to many peoples’ success is discipline with their inbox and only checking it a certain number of times a day or at certain times? 

Ed Mylett & Brendon Burchard recently recorded a podcast together, and they talked about the necessity of scheduling when you check your email.  Highly successful people know that their highest value contributions happen when they are not being distracted by email, so they are strict about how much time they give to their inboxes.  I’ve heard stories of people checking at certain times of the day or 1-3 times a day, or sometimes once every couple of days.  Consistently hearing these stories gave me permission to detach from my inbox, and now I feel free to only check 1-3 times a day myself. 

If you feel like you are constantly checking your email and don’t have time to do your needle-moving work, perhaps searching out more stories of successful individuals who allow themselves to step away from their email will give you permission to do your most important work as well.

If you or your team would like to sign up for our 2 hour Balance and Productivity training to instantly double your meaningful output and find the feeling of lasting flow and optimized work life balance, please click here and say hello!   


Sincerely Yours, 

Focus to Evolve Team